To Blog or not to blog? That is the question. But what the hell is the answer.
Some folks say "why not"...I say "Why not", is not a good enough reason or even an answer. I really hate the answer "why not" actually does not answer the question, it just adds to the 5th dimension of questioning. That would be answering a question with a question for those of you who skipped Philosophy 101. Boo hiss to that. I spent way too many years in college with professors answering my questions with a question, Boo hiss to them and their knock off Versace ties, for them to just mark my essay wrong because I gave no real answers- that is what they taught me, right?!? But now (insert evil laugh)I have become that professor who tortures students with higher level thinking questions to their questions. Touché- take that formal education! "Why not" is not an is actually a question- so from here on out I will refer to "why not" as a quest-wer.
We seem to accept the quest-wer "why not" because most of us do not want to debate. We ask, "should I?" only to know we already have the answer but seek approval from others. How many times have you asked your friend "what do you think" only to then debate them on the merits of the question...why? Because we actually are looking for affirmation from others...gosh my Psychology professors would be so proud of this loud mouth lanky gal from a small town that prides itself on a festival based in an alley way. (More on my roots later) Do I ask questions to get answers? Frankly, NO, I ask questions to start controversy. It's in my nature, I am a Sagittarius, or at least last time the stars aligned I was...that's a whole other blog entry. But controversy is what makes the world go use to be love, but that was an oversight on by the Carpenters.
So, why would I even consider a blog? I mean I am way too busy to keep an original thought in my head. With kids, hubby, career...I barely have time to inhale or exhale. Do others care what I have to say...sometimes, but usually only if it is what they want to hear in the first place. Do I have worth and value to add to the world...sometimes, but only on good days that involve coffee and vodka- but not together and not necessarily in that order. Some folks say I am funny, but I think funny is trite and actually I am not funny- haha, but more of funny that if you do not laugh you might cry at the honesty in my thoughts. I have been labeled unfiltered...which I cannot deny but I have to stand up for myself on this issue...I only say what everyone else is thinking but afraid to that you then could say your mind is unfiltered...which matches my mouth. Sounds like a match made in hell to me. So you are like me...more so than most of you are willing to admit. Touché again.
My blog will be unique, but aren't all blogs with that in mind , mine will be unique and the same as others. I have plans to talk about...well everything and anything that comes to mind- so beware this blog is not for the faint of heart. I plan to hold nothing back.
So to answer the million dollar blog, eh 5 cent blog question -- YES, why YES I will blog. Will this be a regular thing....depends on what my 3 young bosses say about give me time to sneak away to write. However, the question remains as to if this will be your guilty pleasure...
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