Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Some things you might not of known about this Mom and Autism

1. I really don't mind that Teagan is 3 and not potty trained. With Taylor and Tristan, I could not wait for the day..and with both of them it came sooner than 3. Now, I know that it really, in the whole realm of the world, does not truly matter that much. It's crazy how God puts things in perspective.

2. Some of Teagan's "typical" autism behaviors makes me giggle. I actually think it is kind of cute when he sings a song and you cannot understand the words, but you know it is "itsy bitsy spider" by the melody.

3. I love when Tristan looks Teagan in the eye, talks slower than normal and says "Teagan, would you like a cookie too?" And Teagan responds "Ok".

4. I am annoyed by moms who are sad that their child is having another birthday. The idea of a birthday is a celebration of birth, growth, and development. I want my kids to always want to embrace another God given year, not stifle at the fact that time cannot be stopped or slowed.

5. I actually love how Teagan's autism makes him much more innocent than his toddler counterparts. His eyes are so pure, his excitement is genuine, his tears are not manufactured- EVER.

6. I actually look back at all the "signs" that made us think Teagan had "autism" and now see these same behaviors and delays as just another day made for me to "break through" with him. Recently, we conquered a puzzle together. Months ago, he could not sit still long enough to place one piece...now he can do all of them.

7. I celebrate all his accomplishments, but I take credit for none.

 "No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you know what my heart sounds like from the inside." -Unknown

Teagan- 18 mths

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