Thursday, November 14, 2013

No, Ms. Wright...That is not Autism!

Ms. Suzanne Wright, co-founder of Autism Speaks, and grandmother to an autistic child, took time this week to call for a National Autism Plan, based entirely on her opinion that autism has "stolen" three million kids, and is making those kids' families miserable. Beyond miserable, she states. These kids are missing, they are ill!

"These families are not living."

"They are existing. Breathing –yes. Eating – yes. Sleeping- maybe. Working- most definitely - 24/7."

"This is autism."

"Life is lived moment-to-moment. In anticipation of the child’s next move. In despair. In fear of the future. "

"This is autism."

"On bad days, they are depleted. Mentally. Physically. And especially emotionally"

"Maybe they are up yet again changing the sheets because there’s been another bed wetting accident"

"Maybe their insurance won’t pay."

"This is autism."

No, Ms. Wright, what you have described is not autism…it is called parenting. And I have experienced all of the above with all 3 of my kids, with only 1, Teagan having autism. My Teagan is not missing, he is not ill, I am not just existing.

To say my family is not living because of autism is ridiculous…to say we are just "existing" is nonsense. To say Teagan is ill is ignorant.

Let me tell you a little about my family and our life! Autism does not define us… We love with no regrets, we play in the rain, we stay up late at night watching cartoons, we eat cereal for breakfast and sometimes candy instead, we play hide n seek, we are late to soccer practice but early to parties. We swim in the pool, we catch snowflakes on our tongue, we make sandcastles, we hug. We run barefoot through the grass and look for bugs under rocks. We feel the wind on our cheeks, our fingers feel the fuzzy fur of our family dogs, we love ice cream sandwiches and extra cheese on our meals.

Look at this picture….does it look like someone NOT LIVING and JUST EXISTING?! This, Ms Wright, is autism!

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